Kindergarten Registration 2022-2023
Age requirement: Child must turn 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2022. (No exceptions)
Online Registration
Enroll your child online:
Items you will need to register:
- Birth Certificate – ORIGINAL or CERTIFIED COPY is required if enrolling in a Florida school for the FIRST time.
- Proofs of Residence: (Please read carefully – 3 items are required, 1 from each category)
Category 1:
- If residence is OWNED by parent: Deed or property tax assessment records or mortgage statement
- If property is LEASED: Current lease agreement or a notarized letter from the landlord
(Document must clearly show Property Address, not just the mailing address.)
- If property is LEASED: Current lease agreement or a notarized letter from the landlord
Category 2: Copy of a current utility (electric/water, waste) bill or Initial order for service; (must specifically state “Service Location”)
Category 3: One of the following current documents supporting stated address: auto registration, or Florida driver’s license, or Florida ID card, or voter registration as evidence that parent(s) owns/lives at the residence.
Note: If your child is coming to VES on School Choice, we need a copy of the acceptance email in addition to the proof of residency.
- Current DH 680 State of Florida Immunization Form that is transcribed by a health professional.
- Physical (Must be dated no more than one year prior to starting at VES)
- Social Security Card (Preferred, but not required; Copy is acceptable)
- Custody Papers (if applicable)
- IEP (if applicable)