Veterans Elementary School
26940 Progress Parkway • Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
Phone: (813) 346-1400 • Principal: Melissa Bidgood
Veterans Elementary School
Principal: Melissa Bidgood
Assistant Principal: Charlotte Lynn Kralik
26940 Progress Parkway
Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
Phone: (813) 346-1400
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PASCO COUNTY SCHOOLS 2024-2025 Calendar
Planning vacations for this year around Thanksgiving, Winter, or Spring Break? Wondering when Meet the Teacher Day and Early Release Days are scheduled? Want to know when reports cards are available?
You can now download the Pasco County Schools calendar. Get these dates entered in your personal calendar so you can get organized for a successful school year!
Printable 2024-2025 Student/Teacher School Year Calendar Dates

2024-2025 Hours
Office Hours: 8:00am-4:00pm
Early Release Days 9:10am – 1:20pm
School Hours 9:10am – 3:20pm
Gates Open: 8:50am
Tardy Bell: 9:10am
Dismissal: 3:20pm
Late Pickup: 3:40pm
Read these and be a STAR!
24-25 Supply Lists
Kindergarten Supply List
*Please do not label supplies (unless designated below with an *
with student’s first and last name.)
*1 set of headphones- no earbuds
*1 large plastic pencil box 8.5×5.5
*1 pair of Fiskars scissors
*3 plastic folders with prongs and pockets (red, blue, yellow)
4 boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons
1 pack of 10 Crayola markers
12 Elmer’s glue sticks
1 pack of black EXPO skinny dry-erase markers
1 pack of black EXPO thick dry-erase markers
*3 plain white t-shirts (child size medium or large)
1 pack of sharpened yellow Ticonderoga #2 pencils
2 boxes of gallon Ziploc Slider bags
3 packages of tissue
Boys List:
1 pack of plastic page protectors
1 box of sandwich Ziploc bags
2 packages of baby wipes
Girls List:
2 Clorox or Lysol wipes
1 boxes of snack size Ziploc bags
1 box of Magic Erasers
First Grade
The following are supplies that your 1st grader will need in order to be successful this school year! Please BRING ALL SUPPLIES before or on the first day of school!
- 1 Pair of Corded Headphones (No Wireless or Bluetooth). Please LABEL with student’s name.
- 1 Pair of Scissors
- 1 Pack of 36 count #2 TICONDEROGA Pre-Sharpened Pencils
- 6 Boxes of 24 count CRAYOLA Crayons
- 1 Pack of 12 count ELMERS Glue Sticks (Disappearing Purple or White)
- 1 Box of Tissues
- 1 Large Container of Clorox Wipes
- 1 Pack of Unscented Baby Wipes
- 4 Packs of Skinny Dry Erase EXPO Markers: BLACK
- 2 Wide-Ruled COMPOSITION Notebooks – 1 RED and 1 BLUE
Second Grade Supply List
- ***2 pairs of wired headphones (Bluetooth is not compatible with the school devices)
- ***scissors
- ***pencil box (labeled)
- 3-24 pack of pencils
- 3 packs of dry-erase EXPO markers
- 2-24 pack Crayola crayons
- 1 package of Crayola colored pencils.
- 1 package of ruled index cards
- 2 package of glue sticks
- 2 Spiral notebooks
- 1 pack of washable markers
- 2 composition notebooks (black and white
- (2) 2-pocket folders
- 2 packages of baby wipes
- 2 package Clorox/Lysol wipes
- 3 boxes of tissues
- Hand Sanitizer
- 1 pack of Highlighters
3rd Grade Supply List 2024-2025
1 pencil box (labeled)
1 box of Crayola crayons
1 pack Crayola colored pencils
1 pack of Sharpie highlighters
5 packs of SHARPENED #2 pencils
1 pair of Fiskar scissors (labeled)
4 glue sticks
1-12 pack of thin black expo markers
2 black and white composition notebooks
4 plastic folders- red, yellow, blue and green 2 pocket/3 prong folder
1 pair of over the ear headphones *PRIORITY*
3 boxes of tissues
2 packs of Cap Erasers
1 pack of Crayola Washable Markers
Hand Sanitizer
Lysol Wipes
Fourth Grade Supply List:
**These are community supplies. Please only label the items that we have asked to be labeled!**
- Clear View- Front Pocket 1-inch Binder (Label with your child’s name on the inside front cover)
- Plastic Pocket Folderswith prongs- (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue)
- 4 Composition wide rule notebooks (Black and NO spirals pleases)
- Packages of No. 2 Pencils(Ticonderoga & Sharpened Preferred) (No mechanical pencils)
- 4 Boxes of Tissues
- 1 Package of Thick Expo Markers
- Package of Thin Expo Markers
- 1 3 Pack of glue sticks
- 1 Box of Crayola Colored Pencils
- 2 Packs of Lined Paper- Wide Ruled
- 1 Sets of over the ear headphones (No earbuds please) (Label with Student’s name)
Fifth Grade Supply List:
2 Composition books
4 Spiral notebooks (red, blue, green and yellow)
1 1 inch – 1 ½ inch binder (with front pocket)
4 2-pocket folders (red, blue, green, and yellow)
12 Glue sticks
4 Boxes of pencils (Ticonderoga preferred)
12 Expo markers
2 Black Sharpies
1 Pencil pouch/box that can hold all supplies (scissors, pencils, pens, etc.)
1 Pair of child safety scissors
1 Twelve-pack of colored pencils
2 Pack of pencil cap erasers
1 Earbuds/headphones for personal use
2 Packs of looseleaf paper
6 Boxes of tissues
2 Hand sanitizer

Florida VPK 2025-2026
"Attention parent looking for the VPK for the 2025-2026 school year! Our school will have VPK slots available!! Apply for VPK for the 2025-2026 school year January 8-21 through the Pasco Pathways link: choice. Two options with certified...